Celebrate our 2nd Annunal Global Oneness Day Oct. 24 and Share the Love!

October 24, 2011
4pm to 7pm
Unity of Overland Park
10300 Antioch Rd.
Overland Park, KS 66212

Right-Click Here to download a printable flier. Please help spread the word!

4 Organizations will receive our donations (click on their link to be taken to their needs lists):

Emancipation Station
Wayside Waifs
Care of Poor People, Inc (COPP, INC)

Please email angie.lile@humanitysteam.org if you would like to volunteer or if you need a special donation pickup arranged. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you on October 24th!

Humanity's Team Kansas City set to provide crucial element to Global Oneness Day plans!

Last Fall, Association for Global New Thought (AGNT) and Humanity’s Team were delighted to announce their partnership in advancing AGNT’s Season of Interfaith-Intercultural Celebration (SIIC) in conjunction with HT’s Global Oneness Day Petition. It was a huge boost to Humanity's Team's presence and many celebrations took place last year for our 1st Global Oneness Day.

This year Humanity's Team has renued it's push to continue gaining signatures for what is now being called the "Global Oneness Day Declaration" and there are huge plans underway for our 2nd annual celebration. AGNT has again partnered with us in conjunction with their Season for Interfaith-Intercultural Celebration and this year they are inviting groups all over who are coming together to do something on Global Oneness Day to send in a video about their event. The videos will be displayed during church services at AGNT centers on Sunday, October 23rd, all over the Nation and will help inspire thousands of people to do what they can the next day, Global Oneness Day on October 24th.

Learn more about this on AGNT's website: http://www.agnt.org/global-oneness-day

So what can Humanity's Team Kansas City do to help? We'll be shooting a video next Sunday that will be placed on the main website as an example to any groups who also want to create a video.  Angie Lile, HTKC's team leader, is also the primary video producer for the Global movement and has been asked to produce this video.  The video will be viewed by Michael Beckwith and Neale Donald Walsch, who will also create a video to support the project.

Humanity's Team Kansas City is planning a great event for October 24, 2011 in celebration of Global Oneness Day and that is a "Share the Love" event. Plans are still in the works, but for the video we only need to show what we will be doing and we can do this without actually doing it. The plan is to meet at Angie Lile's home on Sunday, August 28, at 3pm for the video shoot. We'll just need some folks in the background looking busy, kids are welcome and needed to demonstrate the kid activities, and perhaps a couple of group shots where we tell everyone who we are: Humanity's Team Kansas City!

If you are interested in being in this video, please email Angie Lile at angie.lile@humanitysteam.org for details.

To read about our last "Share the Love" event, visit this link:  http://humanitysteamkc.blogspot.com/2009/11/please-join-us-for-special-htkc-event.html

Something Wonderful is Happening and You're Invited to the BIG REVEAL

True Light Family Resource Center & Emancipation Station is proud to announce a celebration of the completion of a series, Journey to FREEDOM -Workshop/Seminars at Emancipation Station Women's Center 719 E. 31 St. Corners of 31st & Charlotte - July 9, 2011 starting promptly @ 1:00PM - Music- Song- Poetry- Dance- Delicious Food- Prizes

Fashion Makeover Grand Prize Winner of the 'I Am ALL That' Essay Contestant!, Kameela Patterson, and the 2nd & 3rd Place winners will be honored and Kameela’s makeover will be the “Big Reveal”, in addition to surprise guests and performances on the agenda.

Rev. Alice Piggee-Wallack, of Emancipation Station…Women Working Towards Freedom and Shane Evan's of Dream Studio welcome Kansas City’s legendary jazz & blues artist, Ms. Mary Moore aboard Emancipation Stations, ‘Freedom Ship’!

Moore has launched an exciting, new visionary initiative to transform the lives of women & families in the Kansas City Community via Write Back to the Table - Journey to Freedom-Workshop/ Seminars! The homeless women's center, Emancipation Station is where Mary has started this new program that is making impact.

Moore has come aboard Emancipation Station with the vital piece to help women find their voice, reclaim their lives and live their dreams, through writing and journaling.

The program was developed out of Mary's own experience to find her voice. It is based on proven methodology from numerous writers, Julia Cameron, Henriette Anne Klauser, and many notable authors who have inspired millions down the spiritual path to personal freedom through journaling.

Write: BACK to the TABLE! Journey to Freedom, is a ten week curriculum presented in a format that enlightens and guides the women through the process of self examination and discovery, to help them recognize their own path to becoming homeless, while developing a forward plan - begin the healing process- get up and move forward in a positive direction and never look back.

Moore started the first ten (10) weeks session by serving the women a home cooked meal out of her own kitchen. She established the luncheon tradition as a part of the program. They are served a nutritious lunch. Lunch is followed by an interactive workshop/seminar using the no-nonsense curriculum she developed. It is resonating with the women and inspiring them to re-examine their own lives, and begin the 'Journey to Freedom'. They are being fed both physically, and spiritually. "They are hungry for both" say's Mary.

The program began in February 2011 year and now is hosting this celebration in honor of the winners of an essay contest. The process helps them to recognize how they got to where they are, to see what they now need to decide, and the 'how to' in planning a new way forward. "It is a
new journey of self discovery for the women.", says Mary. Many of the women have little or no structure in their lives, so in an effort to keep the women motivated to write, Mary hit upon the idea of offering a fashion makeover and other prizes to women. The motivation has thus far worked and the women keep coming to Write BACK to the TABLE!

Mary also uses her original thought-provoking & provocative poetry- songs and reflections to, generate enthusiasm among the women. "Lecturing can get boring, and you lose them", Mary say's, "plus they will be inspired to write their own creation's from their voices." Notebooks, pens and pencils are provided free of charge. Mary continues, "We have been blessed with whatever supplies we've needed one week at a time... Literally! The help seems to come just in time. This is a faith walk and so far we have been able to have enough food and supplies for the numbers”.

Celebrated Author/ Illustrator Shane Evan's has been and is the ‘angel’ in the Freedom House Community. He provided the first batch of supplies out of his own Dream Studio, located next door on 31St St. Together, he and Mary are helping Pastor Alice launch the Freedom Ship. Another 'angel’, by the name of Shari Blue of Overland Park, Ks. provided the first forty new books and also volunteered to help Mary, by cooking and serving many hot nutritious meals.

Pastor Alice, Director of True Light Family Resource Center, has been providing women and families in crisis a safe haven for many years, and have helped women by providing a safe place for them to come off the street's when they have no place to go when leaving night time shelters for the day or when the available amount of time for temporary housing has expired..

The first Freedom House is currently being rehabbed to house women, and provides tools, recourses, and support, to help get them back on their feet, and into society. The vision is to acquire houses in the 'urban core' that have been vacated, rehab them and provide a home for every woman in need.

Our cities are inhabited by many women who have lost their sense of dignity. There are numerous reasons they have found themselves alone in the dark in the middle of the night with nowhere to go. After living this way for awhile – wandering the streets, sleeping in crowded shelters or abandoned buildings, feeling none of the luxuries of life but many of the burdens – they begin to see themselves as unworthy of the things most of consider essential to life.

In the fall of 2007 a group of women came together at TrueLight Family Resource Center with a common concern for these boken women. Out of these meetings was birthed a new program of TrueLight, named Emancipation Station….Women Working Towards Freedom.

Women’s shelters offer a place to sleep, but most require the women to leave during the day. Emancipation Station offers a safe place for women to receive support, education, counseling, recreation, and rest. We exist to remind women that they are beautiful, that they are valuable, and that with the help of others they can rise above the situation they are in.

Weekly activities and classes have included Self-Esteem Building, Bible Study, Creative Writing, Budgeting, Joh Search, Computer Skills, Knitting, Crocheting and Sewing, Nutrition and Cooking, Exercise, Music and Physical Care. Women also come together daily to work together to prepare lunch daily and have served fantastic Thanksgiving Dinners!

True Light Family Resource Center (TLFRC) is a faith-based not-for-profit community organization serving the needs of children, youth and families in Kansas City metropolitan area. TLFRC builds community by helping rebuild lives of families, children and youth. The agency works to empower children, youth, and families including the homeless, marginalized, working poor and disenfranchised so that they can become active participants in their own improvement and break the cycle of poverty and dependence. Helping rebuild community by rebuilding lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually, affords the opportunity to bring hope to the folks who are marginalized, and help those least equipped to navigate social service systems become equipped and empowered. A number of methods are used to build relationship whenever it is possible, which enables us to listen and speak into the lives of those we serve.

Open to Oneness Blessing at Yoga Patch June 12th

June 12th, Sunday 5:15pm-6:30pm
7108 Wornall Road
Kansas City, MO 64114

Phone: 816.268.4660

The Oneness Blessing is a non-denominational experience that awakens our connection with the oneness in everything, allowing each of us to deepen our relationship with those we love, with ourselves, with strangers and with our creator.

The Oneness Blessing is also found to help in the healing of the body and in the discharge of repetitive emotional patterns, resulting in greater ease and comfort with oneself.

In relationships it enables a greater sensitivity and connectedness with the other, freeing you from the limitations of your judgments and conditioning.

Success and prosperity begins with consciousness – a capacity to expand your horizon of thinking and an understanding of the universe around you, the principles governing you.

It has often been said that if you take one step towards God, then God will take a hundred steps towards you. We have so many ways to take a step towards the divine: prayer, meditation, chanting — in fact every kind of spiritual practice in every tradition. The Oneness Blessing is one way that the divine can reach out to mankind; it is a gift, a benediction of grace.

The Meditation and Blessing will take place at Yoga Patch this Sunday from 5:15pm-6:30pm with trainers Catherine Martin and Lily Berkley. It is a love offering basis.

For more information on Open to Oneness, please following this link: http://onenesskansascity.com/about-the-oneness-blessing/

Learn How to Have Your Own Conversation with God

Learn to Access Your Own Divine Wisdom So You Can End Emotional Turmoil, Have More Connected Relationships and Feel Radically Alive

A Free LIVE Global Teleseminar Event

Wednesday, June 8th, 5:30 PM Pacific

Listen live by phone or online, or download the recording any time.


Is Kansas City the “heartland” of an imminent spiritual shift in consciousness for all of humanity?

Authored by Angie Lile, Co-Authored by Marcella Womack

Kansas City is a melting pot of religious diversity. Home to several World Religion headquarters, it has been hailed as an undeniable energetic space that many of its residents find sacred. But is it possible that Kansas City is actually an energetic center of what many people believe to be a spiritual and energetic shift in human consciousness? Could Kansas City be home to the 2012 Shift?

There are many people that believe this to be the case. On a visit to Kansas City in 1992, the last Keeper of the Hopi Prophecy, Thomas Banyacye, is reported to have said that a portion of the Prophecy contained an allusion to a time when a Sacred Circle of Nations would gather in the heart of this country. This ceremony would include representatives of all the indigenous peoples of the planet as well as the rest of humanity. This would mark, he said, the historical point at which humanity had renewed its promise to Mother Earth and was celebrating the return to the knowledge of the “sacredness of all Life.” During this visit, he shared his musing that he was himself feeling drawn to identify Kansas City and its surrounding area as the focal point for that momentous event.

The Church of the Christ of Latter Day Saints has a temple in Independence Missouri where they believe that the 2nd coming of Christ will actually occur.

“The Temple Lot, located in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, is the first site to be dedicated for the construction of a temple in the Latter Day Saint movement. The area was dedicated on Wednesday, August 3, 1831 by the movement's founder, Joseph Smith, Jr., and purchased on December 19, 1831 by his colleague Edward Partridge to be the center of the New Jerusalem or "City of Zion" after he received a revelation stating that it would be the gathering spot of the Saints during the Last Days.

The most prominent 2.5-acre section of the Temple Lot is currently an open, grass-covered field occupied in its northeast corner by a few trees and the headquarters of the Church of Christ (Temple Lot), which is not considered a temple by most adherents of that sect. No other structures (with the exception of monuments and markers and signposts) exist on the 2.5-acre section, although numerous important structures exist on the 63.5-acre section, such as the United Nations Peace Plaza, the Community of Christ Auditorium, the Truman Railroad Depot, the LDS Visitors Center, the Community of Christ Temple, an LDS Church stake center, and the Six Nations Tree of Peace.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Lot).

Another prediction that came forth in 1973 suggests that America is to be the focus of “The Return of the Dove.” In map form both J.J. Hutak in the book “The Keys of Enoch” and author Gordon Michael Scallion show the outline of a great descending Dove covering the whole of the US and Canada and reaching down into South America. Kansas City is shown in the inner-most triangle making one wonder if Kansas City is not a major portion of this “heart center” in the activation of the transformation of the Earth.

News of our religious diversity is even found in our mainstream media such as the Kansas City Star by way of a writer who wrote recently:

“In 2007, Religions for Peace-USA at the United Nations Plaza and Harvard University’s Pluralism Project sought a town for their first national interfaith academies. They selected Kansas City for the term because we offered the enrolled professionals and students hospitable Orthodox Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Jewish, and Buddhist congregations to visit, and speakers from other traditions as well.

A Harvard researcher said, “At the Pluralism Project, we consider Kansas City to be truly at the forefront of interfaith relations.” I believe one of several reasons for this is the proximity and influence of Unity, which has, since the time of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, validated wisdom found in faiths around the world.” (Harmony in a World of Differences: Interfaith Works- copyright 2011 by Unity Magazine and Vern Barnet Kansas City, MO)

Of course Mr Barnet is speaking of the Unity movement which observes all faiths and offers worship in all faiths and was initially initially founded in Kansas City, Missouri in 1889 after Mrs. Fillmore was cured of her tuberculosis that she believed came through spiritual healing. Unity Village in Lee’s Summit, Missouri is their world headquarters and offers nonsectarian educational training for ministers who serve those who organize under the “term” Unity. (http://www.unity.org/aboutunity/whoWeAre/unityHistory.html)

Also celebrating the possibility that the Heartland is the epicenter of a global shift is spiritual master Panache Desai, who has invited well-known Author and Speaker, Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith to help ground the energies that will facilitate this shift. Dr. Beckwith is the founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center, author of the award-winning book, Spiritual Liberation, and featured in the best-selling book and film, The Secret. His PBS Special, The Answer is You, is currently being aired nationally, and he has also appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show and Larry King Live.

Michael Bernard Beckwith will be appearing at the Sheraton Overland Park Hotel on May 13, for a “transformative evening program together with Spiritual Master Panache Desai, who is hosting his ground-breaking weekend Global Gathering, ‘The Heart of Possibility.’” (according to Desai’s website).

On Saturday and Sunday, May 14 and 15, Panache will present “The Heart of Possibility,” an experiential program open to all where he will usher in a new paradigm of love, collaboration and unity. Panache states that he “has been shown that the United States is the focal point of a paradigm shift – one where humanity will experientially realize that we are one consciousness expressing itself in 6.8 billion different ways. We are being vibrationally prepared to move from a planet divided by beliefs to one unified by the heart. Kansas City is the vibrational heart center for this shift. The more who gather in this sacred space of the heart – from different religions, paths and ideologies – the faster we globally embody this new experience of love, collaboration and unity.”

Whether or not Kansas City is the epicenter of the 2012 Shift is not really important to the light workers who live here. We have always simply been who we are and open to who other people choose to be. That is why Kansas City is such a friendly place.

Panache Desai has a large following of people who have experienced his programs and have found them empowering and life-changing, and his vitality contagious. He travels internationally offering experiential programs and workshops and has helped tens of thousands transform their lives. To learn more about him visit his website: http://www.PanacheDesai.com

For anyone in the Kansas City area interested in ticket information for attending, “An Evening of Power, Presence and Possibility” with Michael Bernard Beckwith and Panache Desai on Friday Night, May 13: Advanced General Seating $45/At the door $55. Reserved Seating $100. VIP Package including Premium Reserved Seating $250. Purchase online at http://BeckwithDesai.eventbrite.com.


For Full Weekend Registration Information: Pre-Registration Fee $299/At the door $379, both of which include General Seating at Friday night’s presentation with Michael Bernard Beckwith. Register at http://PanacheDesai.com/heartlands. To upgrade this package with Reserved Seating or the VIP Package for Friday night, please call (239) 649-7373. For more information, go to www.PanacheDesai.com.

About Angie: Angie Lile is a mother of twin daughters, wife, filmmaker, business owner and a spiritual activist. Angie currently writes for VividLife.me, volunteers for Humanity's Team and also produces a children's web-series called ART-Felt Learning, which teaches children about our interconnectedness through interesting art projects.

About Marcella Womack: Seeker after Truth, mystic/activist, follower of The Christ, Custodian: The Aquarius Materials–Body of Spiritual Teachings – Kansas City, MO 1985-1993

Editor/ Author: “The Brotherhood Discourses: Children of Light Awaken”, “The Resurrection Fire: Universal Teachers form the Realms of Light”, “Living From the Soul: Awakening to Christ-Consciousness”
“Let LIGHT descend on Earth” (www.Xlibris.com)

"Open To Oneness" Evening with Actress Lindsay Wagner at Unity Church in Overland Park

 “The study and sharing of the integration of Body, Mind and Spirit to awaken our amazing human potential has always been my greatest passion. One of the most empowering realizations I've had is that our experience of any life circumstance is a function of personal perspective, more than the circumstance itself; that as our perspective changes so does our experience.” -Lindsay Wagner

The Oneness Deeksha is an exquisite method to help us on the journey of awakening. Lindsay is a Oneness Deeksha (Blessing) Trainer as well as a facilitator of other energy medicine techniques.

This evening is an opportunity to relax, enjoy beautiful music, explore how we perceive life through the stencil of the mind and experience the Oneness Deeksha, which effortlessly initiates opening to a greater experience of our connectedness, feeling more whole inside and allowing peace, clarity and unconditional love to emerge.

The flow of this transformative energy works to activate the body's natural energies, the kundalini and the chakras, and serves to intelligently guide the recipient on an individual, unique journey into higher states of consciousness, and ultimately into the state of Oneness.

"Shift your perspective... experience the difference."
~ Lindsay Wagner ~

Friday, April 1st, 2011

6:30pm - 9:30pm

Unity Church of Overland Park
10300 Antioch Road
Overland Park, Kansas 66212

Tickets : $35 in advance, $40 at the door.

For more details and to purchase tickets please visit www.lindsaywagnerinternational.com

Lindsay was also a featured guest on Connections Radio, sponsored by Humanity's Team. Listen to the interview right here: http://spiritmedianetwork.com/_crs_popups/popup_crs_l_wagner.htm