HTKC is Ground Zero for Humanity's Team Global's Latest Oneness Initiative!

Hannah Jorgensen plays a crucial role to HT's latest Oneness Initiative.

Its November 6th and the most beautiful Fall day that I've seen in awhile. I'm meeting Hannah and her Mom, Sandy, at Loose Park so that we can shoot the video for Humanity's Team Oneness Video collaboration.  Its a small idea that has been snowballing lately into a big one!

I first conceived of the Oneness Video Collaboration, earlier this year. I was really inspired by the Oneness Mandala movement and wondered if we could take it to another level altogether. I had also been pawning over starting a coordinated Humanity's Team Group and was trying to come up with actionable ideas that we could explore.  I really wondered to myself, "How do other people experience Oneness?". I do a lot of things to experience it: Volunteer work, Free Hugs, Group Activities, Meditation... but I wanted more ideas!

This past Summer my family and I took a driving vacation up to Canada and back. We stopped in Boulder, Colorado to visit Steve Farrell, Humanity's Team World-wide Coordinating Director. I had been speaking to Steve and other teammates over the phone since I joined HT in 2007 and I was really excited to finally meet him! I shared my video collaboration idea with him, and he agreed that it would be a great experiment.

So, here we were at the park, the Sun shining warmly, the kids and adults playing on the playground. Hannah arrives and she is so nervous. I think its adorable because in my mind, we just couldn't go wrong. Who cares if it didn't come off right? We could always always do it over. That's just how I roll most of the time.  She relaxes and gets used to the camera staring at her and my huge headphones on my ears. I want to make sure that we get good audio since the wind is blowing like crazy.

She gives the camera this look that sends chills up my spine and I knew in an instant that we had a great video. That's how it works for me. The scenes just kept presenting themselves as we casually walked through the park and picked out settings for each key phrase in our script.

A few days later, the video is edited and sent on to Humanity's Team for review.  This is a very organized group who depends on consent from all members before they can move forward with any actions. I'm being told that this is one of the few initiatives that has presented and been ready in such a short time.  I hope the P.O. Box that I set up is big enough. It looks like it will be an interesting ride!!

To learn more about the Oneness Video Collaboration, please visit the following page:

Humantiy's Team Kansas City Group Facilitator