HTKC is Ground Zero for Humanity's Team Global's Latest Oneness Initiative!

Hannah Jorgensen plays a crucial role to HT's latest Oneness Initiative.

Its November 6th and the most beautiful Fall day that I've seen in awhile. I'm meeting Hannah and her Mom, Sandy, at Loose Park so that we can shoot the video for Humanity's Team Oneness Video collaboration.  Its a small idea that has been snowballing lately into a big one!

I first conceived of the Oneness Video Collaboration, earlier this year. I was really inspired by the Oneness Mandala movement and wondered if we could take it to another level altogether. I had also been pawning over starting a coordinated Humanity's Team Group and was trying to come up with actionable ideas that we could explore.  I really wondered to myself, "How do other people experience Oneness?". I do a lot of things to experience it: Volunteer work, Free Hugs, Group Activities, Meditation... but I wanted more ideas!

This past Summer my family and I took a driving vacation up to Canada and back. We stopped in Boulder, Colorado to visit Steve Farrell, Humanity's Team World-wide Coordinating Director. I had been speaking to Steve and other teammates over the phone since I joined HT in 2007 and I was really excited to finally meet him! I shared my video collaboration idea with him, and he agreed that it would be a great experiment.

So, here we were at the park, the Sun shining warmly, the kids and adults playing on the playground. Hannah arrives and she is so nervous. I think its adorable because in my mind, we just couldn't go wrong. Who cares if it didn't come off right? We could always always do it over. That's just how I roll most of the time.  She relaxes and gets used to the camera staring at her and my huge headphones on my ears. I want to make sure that we get good audio since the wind is blowing like crazy.

She gives the camera this look that sends chills up my spine and I knew in an instant that we had a great video. That's how it works for me. The scenes just kept presenting themselves as we casually walked through the park and picked out settings for each key phrase in our script.

A few days later, the video is edited and sent on to Humanity's Team for review.  This is a very organized group who depends on consent from all members before they can move forward with any actions. I'm being told that this is one of the few initiatives that has presented and been ready in such a short time.  I hope the P.O. Box that I set up is big enough. It looks like it will be an interesting ride!!

To learn more about the Oneness Video Collaboration, please visit the following page:

Humantiy's Team Kansas City Group Facilitator

Please join us for a special HTKC event: "Share the Love 2010"

WHERE:  The Waldo Library, corner of McGee and 75th Street, KCMO 64114

WHEN:  Sunday, December 6th from 2pm to 5pm.

WHAT:  This is a 2nd Annual "Share the Love" Holiday party, however its the first time that Humanity's Team Kansas City is sponsoring it.

"Share the Love" is a special kind of party.  We will be collecting donations from far and wide and we will be counting on YOU to help us bring them in and organize it all.

We will be providing a more detailed list of the donations needed, but all donations will be divided and distributed to 4 Kansas City area organizations:

1. Emancipation Station- a daytime place for homeless women in Kansas City and a frequent supplier of lunch for the needy. We will be assembling lunch sacks and collecting gently used items.

2. Gillis- helping Kansas City's at-risk children and families become contributing members of the community - with education, counseling and social services. We will be collecting books and other items, preferable new.

3. Sheffield Place- who's mission is to empower single mothers with children to break out of the cycle of homelessness and poverty and become self-sufficient. They provide long-term shelter and comprehensive services to fifteen families. We will be providing them with new items for their Holiday store. The store is available to Families who have earned points by completing programs that are essential to meeting their goals.

4. Give What You Got-  providing children in foster care with the necessities they need, right here in our community. Whether entering care, celebrating a holiday, or simply meeting the day to day needs of children, they provide resources that comfort and brighten lives.  We will be providing them with new and gently used items to be used for help with the various programs that they offer.

You can view each one's website, and look at their donations section to get an idea of the types of items they will be needing. We will need help with the following things:

1. Volunteers to pass the word to anyone and everyone.  I will ask the Waldo Library if I can set up a collection place there, or find a way to accept donations leading up to the event. If anyone can do the same in their area and just bring it all with you to the library, that would help.

2. Volunteers to actually attend the event! Volunteers may help with organizing the donations into 4 separate groups, helping kids to wrap books and/or decorate the lunch sacks, and to help organize the lunch sacks and fill them up.

3. Kids! We need kids (and adults) to lend their creative gifts to making our lunch sacks look seasonable.  It means so much to a homeless person to receive such a carefully packed meal in a decorated sack. Not to mention the energy that will go into the art itself!

Please email me if you can help with any of these items. I am in the process of creating a flier and will have the available to anyone who wants it.

I'm looking forward to seeing what our collective energy puts out!

Humanity's Team Kansas City Launches!

Today was the first event of the new Humanity's Team Kansas City chapter. It was lightly attended but the overall turnout was extremely satisfying.

Interests of members include CwG and other book study groups, Free Hugs events, Yoga, Meditation, Laughter Yoga, Helping the Needy, Volunteer Work, and Art classes! This means there should be something for everyone at future events.

We had a volunteer for a study group that would be located in the Gladstone area (North of the River). If you are interested, please email me and we'll put you on that list.  Please include which books in particular you would like to study with your group (for example, Conversations with God or a completely different author).  Please also include the times and days in which you are best available. Thank you!

We will be announcing the next event soon. It will be after Thanksgiving and will be a service oriented event. We'll provide snacks and music and you will provide your service to others (and materials too)! We'll post more news on this shortly.

In the meanwhile, if you were wanting to get out and visit us and just couldn't due to scheduling, we'd still love to hear from you! Please email and let us know your available meeting times and we'll try our best to accommodate.  Until then, please have a pleasant and blissful week!

I have had a couple of requests for brochures that explain the HTKC movement a little more and I will have those at our next event. Thanks!

Humanity's Team Kansas City Open House

You are invited to a Humanity's Team Kansas City Open House event.

WHEN:  Sunday, October 18th from 1pm to 3pm

WHERE:   The Yoga Patch
                7108 Wornall Road
                (Corner of Gregory and Wornall)
                Kansas City, MO 64131

This is an open house event, so you can drop by anytime between 1pm and 3pm. We'll have lots of information for you to have a look at, as well as kid-friendly activities so feel free to bring the whole family.

The primary focus of this Open House will be to:

(a) Provide a comfortable space for people to come and meet each other and to provide information about Humanity's Team.

(b) Get input from existing and potential members about future meeting and event times.

(c) Get input from existing and potential members about their personal interests or what they would like to get out of future meetings and events.

In forming this new group here in Kansas City, we would love to make sure that there is something for everyone. We are all ONE, but we do have our personal interests. Please come and help shape this new group!

Welcome to Humanity's Team Kansas City!

If you want to immediately learn about Humanity's Team and all that we stand for, please visit their site:

This is a small group that comes together to support the goals and intentions of Humanity's Team as well as to support each other as we continue to achieve our own personal spiritual goals.

We are NOT a religious organization nor are we affiliated with any one religion. All religious groups are welcome as this is a grassroots movement, intended to form actions, to achieve the goal of peace and love between all peoples of all races, of all belief systems.

Thank you for visiting and we hope to see you at a group function soon!